Come join the many professionals who value the Great lakes Conference on Food Protection. Opportunities exist to create effective working relationships with industries, regulator agencies, consumers, and academia.
Council Information
The GLCFP has three councils:
Council I, Laws and Regulations
Discusses the issues related to the problems and proposals dealing with the laws, regulations, and model codes governing the safety of food.
Council II, Administration
Discusses issues relate to the problems and proposals dealing with the Constitution and Bylaws, Conference procedures, and regulatory administrative issues, such as memorandum of understanding between agencies and program evaluation.
Council III, Science and Technology
Discusses issues related to the problems and proposals dealing with science and technology.
Committee Information
The GLCFP has nine standing committees
Audits the Treasurer’s report and certifies its accuracy before presentation to the membership.
Identifies and nominates for awards those individuals deserving of awards as established by the Conference.
Edits and publishes the Conference newsletter
Media and Public Affairs
Generate publicity for the activities of the Conference and promote attendance at the annual conference.
Develops and executes membership drives, new member initiatives, and publications to promote membership in the Conference. This committee also develops membership application forms.
Formalizes resolutions and issues into action items put forth by the membership.
Nominating Committee
Submits to the President the names of qualifying candidates who are available and willing to serve as nominees to fill expiring terms, prepares and distributes ballots of nominees, verify each signed returned ballot against the current membership list and count the ballots.
Training and Conference Planning Committee
Plans the program and makes the arrangements for the Conference meeting. The Vice-President, who shall be vice-chair of the committee, shall appoint the Committee. Develops training programs to be offered under the sponsorship of the Conference. Shall identify potential topics and speakers
Scholarship Committee
Supports scholarship distribution by advertising, preparing the application form, reviewing scholarship candidates, sending approval and reimbursement letters to scholarship award winners. Works with the Treasurer and Board of Directors to disperse funds and record their dispersal.